ACCA Strategic Professional Advanced Financial Management (AFM) Essentials Pack

The ACCA Advanced Financial Management Essentials Pack contains the Study Text, Exam Kit, Pocket Notes and access to a wealth of supplementary online materials, via MyKaplan, including a final assessment with answers, to give you a taste of what to expect on exam day.

All materials are written by expert ACCA tutors and subject specialists, who bring their 20+ years’ of effective learning delivery, directly to you. As a recognised ACCA Content Partner, you can be confident that our latest material covers the full syllabus, with exam-focused preparation across all topics.

Topics covered

·        Explain and evaluate the role and responsibility of the senior financial executive or advisor in meeting conflicting needs of stakeholders and recognise the role of international financial institutions in the financial management of multinationals

·        Evaluate potential investment decisions and assessing their financial and strategic consequences, both domestically and internationally

·        Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategy

·        Evaluate and advise on alternative corporate reorganisation strategies

·        Apply and evaluate alternative advanced treasury and risk management techniques

·        Explore green finance, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) and the most up to date methods of obtaining a stock market listing.

The Study Text covers everything you need to know and includes real world examples to demonstrate concepts and provide context.

The Exam Kit enhances your learning and understanding of key topics and includes practice questions and supplementary materials to boost exam preparation.


The Pocket Notes are designed to complement the Study Text and Exam Kit. They provide a pocket-sized overview of key course content to help cement your understanding.

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Joanna Gołąbek

Specjalista ds. Sprzedaży i Organizacji Szkoleń ACCA

Telefon: +48 573 809 411


400,00  420,00  brutto

Autor: Kaplan Publishing


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